Entries by Christian Nophsker

Dyslexia Signs & Symptoms by Age Group

Dyslexia Signs & Symptoms by Age Group Dyslexia Signs & Symptoms by Age Group Preschool Even before exposure to reading material begins in the classroom, children can demonstrate signs and symptoms of dyslexia. The disorder can affect the child’s verbal language skills, which are the precursors to reading abilities. Signs and symptoms to look for […]

Dyslexia: The Assessment & Diagnostic Process

Dyslexia: The Assessment & Diagnostic Process Dyslexia: The Assessment & Diagnostic Process When an individual is suspected of having dyslexia, they are referred for a Psychoeducational Evaluation (this evaluation is also known as a Psychological, Learning Disability, or a Neuropsychological Evaluation), typically by a teacher or sometimes by the child’s parent who notices that the […]

What is Dyslexia?

What is Dyslexia? What is Dyslexia? Dyslexia, also known as Reading Disorder, is a learning disorder that causes individuals difficulty with reading individual words or sentences and pronouncing words. Individuals with dyslexia can also struggle with other skills related to reading, such as reading comprehension, spelling, and writing. The disorder is typically identified in early […]

Dyslexia Facts

Dyslexia Facts Dyslexia Facts Fact #1: Dyslexia can be successfully treated! Research suggests that the most severely reading-disabled students can make an average of a standard deviation of improvement on nationally normed reading tests!  The key to a successful intervention, research has shown us, includes: -Directly teaching phonemic awareness to the advanced level -Teaching and […]

Dyslexia Myths

Dyslexia Myths Dyslexia Myths There are several myths associated with dyslexia, many of which have fortunately been clarified and better understood as a result of years of research on the manifestation and characteristics of the disorder. It is important to understand the myths surrounding dyslexia in order to eliminate stereotypes and stigma that is placed […]

Therapy Podcast – Empathy during relationships, Following through on diets

Therapy Podcast – Empathy during relationships, Following through on diets https://www.pathwaysneuropsychology.com/wp-content/uploads/2017/10/1_17_08-Dr.-Gordon-4.mp3 In this Podcast with Dr Gordon: Empathy during relationships, Following through on diets The Pathways team of professionals has helped thousands of people with brain injuries. We are Dedicated to effective and compassionate care for individuals with neurological challenges. LET’S GET STARTED The post […]

Tips for Parents Supporting Children with ADHD

Tips for Parents Supporting Children with ADHD Tips for Parents Supporting Children with ADHD The school environment can be challenging even for a child with optimal psychological health. The responsibilities such as school assignments, homework, interaction with other children, and co-curricular activities all can contribute to considerable stress in a child. The level of stress […]

Plan Ahead to Help Your Child with ADHD: Tips for Mastery of the Classroom Experience

Plan Ahead to Help Your Child with ADHD: Tips for Mastery of the Classroom Experience Children with ADHD benefit from knowing what to expect before they arrive to the classroom. This will not only prevent any potential issues (e.g., behavioral, academic) during the first days or weeks of school, but it will also provide the […]