Entries by Christian Nophsker

ADHD Treatments

Education: Educate yourself as much as you can about ADHD and its management. Read books, talk to professionals, and research on the internet. Medication: Stimulant medication (methylfenadate, amphetamines) and non- stimulant medications (atomoxetine) have been shown to be effective. Seek a qualified physician to evaluate use of medication. Parent-training: Parent-training is an affective treatment for […]

ADHD Testing – Assessing ADHD

Find a trained professional specializing in ADD/ ADHD with whom you feel comfortable. An evaluation for ADD/ADHD should be comprehensive. The evaluation should include taking a comprehensive history including; symptoms, medical history, social history, and family medical history. When evaluating a child, the evaluation should include observations of the child. Behavior questionnaires which provide an […]

What is Good Parenting?

It is well known that parenting behavior has a significant impact on a child’s psychological health and behavior. Research has shown that there are certain parenting behaviors that are beneficial to a child’s well being.  These behaviors include being sensitive to a child’s needs, developing a positive parent-child relationship and encouraging and rewarding positive behavior. […]

Causes of ADHD

Understanding the Diagnosis Attention Deficit/Hyperactivity Disorder is one of the most over-diagnosed and under-diagnosed disorders. This is because many other disorders and problems can mimic the symptoms of ADHD. In addition, the majority of children who have Attention Deficit/Hyperactivity Disorder also have other related problems. Causes of ADHD ADD/ADHD is a neuro-chemical disorder with a […]

What is ADHD?

Attention Deficit/Hyperactivity Disorder, more commonly known as ADHD, is a developmental disorder in both children and adults that impairs the ability to sustain attention and focus, resist distraction, and regulate behavior. AN OLD DISORDER WITH A NEW NAME Although the current term, Attention Deficit/Hyperactivity Disorder, has only been around since the 1980s, the disorder has […]

Self-Regulation and ADD/ADHD

In many ways, ADD/ADHD can be seen as a problem with self-regulation.  Self-regulation is one of the executive skills that an ADD Coach or Executive Skills Coach attempts to remediate.  Self-regulation involves regulating not only attention and focus, but behavior and mood.  Initially, deficits with self-regulation are addressed by others providing cues, reminders, structure and […]

Why Smart People with ADHD Make Poor Decisions

Parents, friends and spouses can become confused and frustrated when someone with ADHD can appear to be so smart in some situations, but still make such poor decisions in other situations.  The problem is that people with ADHD have an impairment with the executive functions.  Some of the executive functions include task persistence, sustained attention […]

How to Help Someone with ADHD Make it all the Way to the Finish Line

Goal directed persistence is a core weakness for individuals with ADHD.  Reaching long term goals can be problematic.  They have difficulty sustaining their attention and delaying gratification in order to reach a future goal.  The excitement and pleasure of some more immediate event present right here and now cannot be resisted.  The ADHD individual knows […]

What Can Parents with Daughters of ADHD do to Help Their Daughter Thrive Socially

The first step to helping your daughter thrive socially is to carefully evaluate exactly why your child is having her social difficulty.  Is she breaking personally space, having tantrums, interrupting, not waiting her turn,  missing social cues due to inattention, annoying other children with off task or silly behavior?  Or is she socially shy or […]

What can Parents with Daughters of ADHD do to Help Their Daughter Thrive at School/Academically?

Obtain a thorough evaluation by a professional with experience diagnosing and treating ADHD Education: Educate yourself as much as you can about ADHD and its management. Read books, talk to professionals, and research on the internet. Medication: Stimulant medication (methylfenadate, amphetamines) and nonstimulant medications (atomoxetine) have been shown to be effective. Seek a qualified physician to evaluate […]