Entries by Christian Nophsker

Strengths of Those with ADHD

Although, the word “disorder” has a strongly negative connotation, it is essential to keep in mind that those with ADHD do have strengths. Some behavioral characteristics of ADHD can actually help, rather than hinder, successful performance. Here are some strengths that those with ADHD often display: Energy. When high energy is channeled in a proper […]

What About Girls?

There is estimated to be 3 times as many boys than girls with ADHD. This is the case for nearly all developmental disorders including autism, motor disorders, and aggression problems. Like boys, girls with ADHD experience behavioral, academic, and social problems. Unlike boys, however, girls are more likely to become depressed and internally affected by […]

ADHD: How Young is Too Young?

An issue arises when considering pre-school aged children for an ADHD diagnosis. On one hand, a diagnosis is best made as early as possible in order to implement treatment at a young age. Early identification and treatment of ADHD could prevent significant impairment. For example, utilizing behavioral techniques early in school can prevent learning difficulties. […]

How Does ADHD Medication Work?

Typically, medication is most effective at reducing symptoms of ADHD, while behavioral interventions are effective at resolving social and academic issues. The process of diagnosing ADHD can be a confusing and stressful time, not to mention the confusion regarding how medications work. Keep in mind that a detailed description of this process can fill a […]

Ways to Cope Without Medication

Behavioral interventions alone may be enough to manage behavioral issues of ADD and ADHD; however, combination therapy, in which both behavioral and biological treatment is used, is viewed as most effective. Here are some types of behavioral interventions that may minimize your struggle with ADD or ADHD: Cognitive-behavioral therapy (CBT) Often benefiting adults with ADHD, […]

ADD Students – Homework and ADHD

Tips for Assisting ADD Students / Students with ADHD Organizing information and note taking: Students with ADD / ADHD require extra assistance to organize and prioritize their homework. At home, parents can help organize and prioritize assignments and record important dates onto a home calendar. Providing a quiet environment for ADD Students: Make sure that […]

Tips for Creating an ADD-friendly Study Environment

ADD affects a multitude of characteristics that make it difficult to complete quiet tasks. Distractibility, short attention span, trouble concentrating, and hyperactivity are contradictory to the characteristics needed to complete homework and studying. A recent article describes ways to create a less distracting environment for students with ADD during musical instrument lessons. These tips can […]

Smartphones Helping to Increase Attention

ADHD, while commonly known to be a disorder found in children, can persist throughout adulthood, with about 2-4% of adults living with this diagnosis. Adult symptoms of ADHD may include the following: Difficulty paying attention Difficulty controlling impulses Impairments in working memory (temporary storage of information) Difficulty planning and organizing Trouble with multitasking Hard time […]

ADHD in Children – ADHD & Homework

Conflicts over homework are common with children and teens who have ADD / ADHD. Given that students with ADD/ ADHD are often disorganized, forgetful, distractible, careless and lack persistence, it is not surprising that homework time leads to child and parental distress, a deterioration of the parent/child relationship, and eventual academic underachievement.     The […]

Dyslexia Testing – Signs of Dyslexia

Possible signs of Dyslexia or a language based learning disability include: ➡Slow progress acquiring reading skills ➡Trouble reading new/unfamiliar words ➡Mistakes with small words such as: that, an, in ➡Difficulty sounding out multi-syllable words ➡Omitting part of a word when reading out loud ➡Poor oral reading ability ➡Extreme fear or avoidance of reading out loud […]