Entries by Christian Nophsker

White Noise to Improve Attention

Due to the belief that people with low dopamine levels may benefit from external stimulation in order to better concentrate and perform tasks, white noise was suggested to help children with ADHD perform better in school. Although, white noise may be distracting for people without ADHD, it may provide enough brain stimulation for people with […]

Siblings of Children with ADHD

The entire family is affected by a child’s ADHD symptoms. Research regarding the siblings of children with ADHD reveals that they are negatively affected by the other child’s behavior. Here are some commonly reported feelings experienced by siblings of children with ADHD: Feeling less important or forgotten about due to the family focus on the […]

Tokens for Good Behavior

Token economies have been successful in reinforcing positive behavior in children with ADHD. As the name implies, a token economy involves giving a child a token for each good behavior. These tokens can be in the form of a sticker chart, coins, or anything that physically indicates the child’s good behavior. Be sure to establish […]

Stimulant Drug Misuse

Recent research has found that 17% of college students misuse ADHD stimulant drugs. These drugs are popular at college campuses as they are assumed to help students focus on studying, therefore leading to an academic boost. In reality, the misuse of stimulant medications is associated with lower academic performance. It should be noted that “misuse” […]

Cavities in Children with ADHD

Children with ADHD have a higher prevalence of dental cavities than children without ADHD. Specifically, children with ADHD are nearly 10 times more likely to have decayed, missing, or filled teeth. Different theories exist as to why these children experience more cavities and worse oral health in general. Behavior may be to blame for these […]

Sticker Charts!

A great way to motivate your children to behave well and get their homework and chores done! A visual reminder of chores and appropriate behaviors is critical for children just as many adults need a to-do list. Create a chart listing all chores and behaviors that your child should complete by the end of the […]

Why Punishment Doesn’t Work

People often assume that the reason for ADHD is lack of punishment. This can be very insulting for parents as it is assumed that their lack of discipline is to blame. However, lack of punishment does not cause ADHD and increased punishment does not improve ADHD. ADHD is a factor of a child’s neurochemistry and […]

Types of ADD/ADHD

ADD may have either a predominantly inattentive presentation, a predominantly hyperactive/impulsive presentation, or a combined presentation. Inattention Symptoms: Makes careless mistakes in work; fails to give attention to details Difficulty paying attention during tasks Does not appear to listen when spoken to Does not follow instructions; fails to finish tasks Difficulty keeping things in order […]

Parenting a Child with ADHD: The A³PC Method

Although, parenting a child with ADHD can be frustrating, techniques exist to help parents promote their child’s success. The A³ parent-child interactions technique focuses on providing affection, positive attention, and affirmation to help children cope with ADHD. 1. Affection Children with ADHD typically receive negative attention from peers and adults, which makes it even more […]