Entries by Christian Nophsker

Keep Track of ADHD Medication

When beginning a new ADHD medication or a different dosage of medication, it can be difficult to notice changes unless you actively think of them. Using the chart below can help keep track of how your ADHD medication is working and/or giving you side effects. Medication name:                 […]

Organization Tips

For young people, staying organized in school is essential. But things can easily get disorganized with papers from different classes, take-home notices, homework, and trash. Here are some tips for keeping organized for school and home: Label everything! Label each notebook and textbook with the subject name. Use color-coding to further distinguish different school materials. […]

Finding the A-N-S-W-E-R

Accept that you have ADHD and the challenges that come with it. Realize that, as much as you may want it to, your ADHD will not simply disappear. Get to know your ADHD and which problems affect your life the greatest. Your problems must be recognized before they can be helped. Narrow your focus and […]

How does ADHD Coaching Help?

Create “Good Stress” People with ADHD often require a feeling of stress in order to achieve goals. This is because the stress and sense of urgency of a deadline forces them to complete tasks. For this reason, ADHD coaching helps clients create their own “good stress.” By creating deadlines, schedules, and check-ins, clients learn to […]

ADHD Symptoms Depend on the Situation

Children with ADHD tend to behave better under these certain circumstances: 1. New and unfamiliar settings. When situations are exciting and new, children with ADHD behave better. This is because boredom, which causes a decrease in behavior control, has not set in. For example, during the first exciting days at school with a new teacher […]

Heritability of ADHD

ADHD very clearly runs in families. In fact, over 25% of immediate family members (mothers, fathers, siblings) of children with ADHD also have ADHD. Studies with twins also confirm the heritability of ADHD. If one identical twin has ADHD, there is a 75-90% risk that the other twin will have ADHD as well. For fraternal […]

Parenting Pointers – Children with ADHD

Dr. Russell Barkley stresses the importance of practicing “scientific parenting.” Much like scientists, parents of children with ADHD must be open and critical to new information. The following points describe the steps you need to take in order to be a scientific parent. It’s okay to be uncertain. No one, including professionals, has the perfect […]

ADHD and Oppositional Defiant Disorder (ODD)

Oppositional defiant disorder (ODD) is commonly comorbid, or simultaneously occurring with ADHD. ODD is a problem that first becomes noticeable in the preschool years or during early adolescence. The following information discusses the symptoms and criteria needed for a diagnosis of ODD. Please remember that not all people with ADHD have ODD and vice versa; […]

ADHD and Stereotype Threat

Stereotype threat is a very commonly researched phenomenon that affects people’s performance on tests and other evaluated tasks. Stereotype threat occurs when a member of a stereotyped group is evaluated on a task on which society believes they should not perform well. The member of the group is distracted and self-conscious about his or her […]

Sleep Problem or ADHD?

Sleep disorders and ADHD share many of the same symptoms. Children with sleep apnea were found to have symptoms of inattention, hyperactivity, learning difficulties, and aggressive behavior, which are similar to symptoms of ADHD. As for adults, symptoms of sleep disorders are also similar to those of ADHD. Both include trouble concentrating, problems with organizing, […]