Entries by Christian Nophsker

Parenting a Child With ADHD

Parenting a Child With ADHD Do: Educate Yourself About ADHD  A great (and immensely important!) starting point for a parent is understanding what ADHD is and what it means to you and your child.  It is important to realize that the behavior of a child with ADHD is a result of a developmental disorder that […]

Parenting a Child With ADHD

Parenting a Child With ADHD Do: Educate Yourself About ADHD  A great (and immensely important!) starting point for a parent is understanding what ADHD is and what it means to you and your child.  It is important to realize that the behavior of a child with ADHD is a result of a developmental disorder that […]

Brain Injury Awareness

Brain Injury Awareness March is Brain Injury Awareness Month. As the month comes to a close, it is important to discuss what causes– and what happens during– a traumatic brain injury (TBI). After all, TBI’s effects over 2.5 million individuals in the United States. What is a TBI? Simply, a TBI is a physical injury […]

Sex Life and Emotional Wellness after Traumatic Brain Injury

Sex Life and Emotional Wellness after Traumatic Brain Injury For both male and female adults recovering from traumatic brain injuries (TBI), self-confidence and sexual enjoyment can be compromised on the road to recovery. Sexual difficulties are not trivial, as they can lead to low self-esteem and significant relationship problems. Decreased sex drive, decreased arousal, erectile […]

Military Study: Aerobic Exercise as an Effective Treatment for mTBI

Military Study: Aerobic Exercise as an Effective Treatment for mTBI David K Johnson, PhD and the Department of Defense have teamed up to investigate the healing effects of aerobic exercise on mild traumatic brain injuries (mTBI). The researchers are focusing on United States soldiers who have experienced brain injuries from improvised explosive devices, or IEDs, […]

Mindfulness Meditation Helps Your Mind & Body

Mindfulness Meditation Helps Your Mind & Body A new study suggests there’s some science behind the claims made for mindfulness meditation. The benefits of mindfulness meditation, increasingly popular in recent years, are supposed to be many: reduced stress and risk for various diseases, improved well-being, a rewired brain. But the experimental bases to support these […]

Mediterranean Diet – Good for the Brain

Mediterranean Diet – Good for the Brain The Mediterranean diet is high in vegetables, fruits, olive oil and whole grains, and moderate in protein and animal fats. The Mediterranean diet has been shown in many studies to be beneficial in reducing the risk for diabetes, heart disease and stroke. A new study shows it may […]

Conquering Negative Thinking

Conquering Negative Thinking Excerpt from New York Times. read the full story here  Here’s a New Year’s challenge: Make 2017, the year that you quiet all those negative thoughts swirling around your brain. All humans have a tendency to be a bit more like Eeyore than Tigger, to ruminate more on bad experiences than […]