Racial Bias in ADHD Evaluations and Diagnosis
Racial Bias in ADHD Evaluations and Diagnosis
Racial Bias in ADHD Evaluations and Diagnosis
As our society continues the conversation on racial disparities, it is important to acknowledge and address its place in the psychology profession. Taking a look at ADHD evaluations and diagnosis, specifically, it becomes evident that there is great variance in treatment rates among racial and social groups. Black and BIPOC (Black, Indeginous, or Person of Color) children are diagnosed and treated for ADHD less often than white children. While there is currently not enough research to explain causation completely, there are several factors that unequivocally affect the diagnosis process, research, and social context. Understanding the factors that contribute to these disparities can help clinical care professionals administer more accurate and effective treatment.
Methods and practices for ADHD diagnosis and treatment begins with research, and as it stands, research on ADHD that includes racial variation is scarce and limited. The vast majority of research is based on white male children of European-Caucasion descent. Lack of data on black and BIPOC children and ADHD results in limited understanding of the best ways to serve their communities. From the research that does exist, there are some trends psychologists are beginning to understand between ADHD and race. Prolonged exposure to prejudice, discrimination, and stereotyping can lead to trauma and stress, which are both linked to the onset ADHD-like symptoms. This can make differentiating between the behavioral and emotional contributions to ADHD like symptoms from actual ADHD symptoms challenging. Furthermore, parenting techniques for handling the challenging behaviors of children with ADHD vary across different cultures. What is commonly practiced and accepted by some cultures, may not be seen as appropriate by others. Understanding different parenting practices among cultures is an important focus of current research.
As the psychology community takes steps moving forward, it is important to acknowledge and be aware that even well meaning clinical care professionals may impart implicit bias in their diagnosis and treatment or may not fully understand some of the biases from past research. Here at Pathways NA we are committed to understanding and addressing these biases and advocating for equality.
Source: Attitudemag.com
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Source: Pathways Neuropsychology
Racial Bias in ADHD Evaluations and Diagnosis
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